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14 June 2025
(Montana, USA)

RMJC: Hollywood Magic
Billings Symphony Orchestra - Babcock Theatre

Program Info:
Ever since Max Steiner scored 1933’s King Kong, music has become an integral part of the Hollywood experience, adding drama, wonder, scope, and excitement to film. Join Sukin Series favorite, Rocky Mountain Jazz Collective, as they perform their renditions from some of Tinseltown’s (and Disney’s) most magical films.

During the silent era, film music was provided by each theater, either by phonograph or as performed live by flesh-and-blood musicians. In the latter case, either a pianist improvises to the film or a small ensemble of musicians performs a classical piece in the background as the film plays. But, once the ability to synchronize music and sound to celluloid became possible in 1929, music quickly became an integral aspect of the storytelling process.
Regarded as “The Father of Film Music” Max Steiner extensively uses leitmotif in his 1933 score for King Kong. Created by German operatic composer Richard Wagner, the leitmotif is a technique wherein specific instruments or musical themes are assigned to individual characters or events. In subsequent decades, the use of leitmotif has become ubiquitous in film music.
A Streetcar Named Desire features a hybrid symphonic-jazz score by composer Alex North. This is a major step forward for film music, moving Hollywood film scoring away from its prior, exclusively European sound.

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Last edited: 03 June 2024 - 08:20 hours