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09 January 2025

Symphony & Hollywood
Essener Philharmoniker conducted by Yoel Gamzou - Philharmonie Essen, Alfried Krupp Saal

Program Info:
Essener Philharmoniker
Yoel Gamzou, conductor
Sharon Kam, clarinet

An artist friendship sparked Carl Maria von Weber's love for a particular woodwind instrument: Weber wrote three works for the clarinetist of the Munich Court Orchestra, Joseph Bärmann, including the Clarinet Concerto No. 2. This shows the instrument from its most beautiful sides - the Israeli-German one Soloist Sharon Kam will sing and dance on the clarinet. In Erich Wolfgang Korngold's only symphony, the clarinet also appears at the beginning when it introduces the theme after striking orchestral chords. The F sharp major symphony by the Jewish composer not only carries the melancholy part but also the sound of Hollywood: themes from Korngold's film scores created in American exile meet voluptuous memories of his Austrian homeland. The premiere of the Viennese genre jumper Florian Kovacic brings the fusion of different styles into today. The Israeli-American conductor Yoel Gamzou will be at the podium.

Florian Kovacic - New work (Premiere)
Carl Maria von Weber - Concerto No. 2 in E flat major for clarinet and orchestra, op. 74
Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Symphony in F Major, op. 40, uses themes from ELIZABETH & ESSEX and CAPTAIN BLOOD in its slow movement and a theme from KINGS ROW in the finale.

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Last edited: 01 June 2024 - 10:21 hours