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25 September 2024

Prokofjev & Beethoven
The Norwegian Wind Ensemble conducted by Eivind Aadland - The University's Aula

Program Info:
The Norwegian Wind Ensemble
Eivind Aadland, conductor
Johan Dalene, violin

The concert's composers have gone up new paths, and in their time experienced being controversial because of the music they created. But in this programme, the audience gets to experience them in a "kinder" and perhaps more harmonious version.

Silvestrov was born in Ukraine and studied composition at the Conservatory of Music in Kyiv. At the time, many were critical of his modernist style, which did not fit in with the Soviet-realist ideal that artists were supposed to live up to. He withdrew from the limelight and gradually developed his own postmodernist style in which he adopted elements from both traditional music and orthodox church music. In light of Russia's war against Ukraine, Silvestrov's music has been rediscovered and is now played on concert stages all over the world.

Sergei Prokofiev left Russia in 1918 after the Communists had taken power. In his home country, the new authorities classified his music as "decadent formalism". Prokofiev struggled with strong homesickness, but if he was to be able to return to the Soviet Union, he needed to appease Stalin's regime first. Both the film music for Lieutenant Kijé (1934), Violin Concerto No. 2 (1935) and the ballet music for Romeo and Juliet (1938) can be interpreted as examples of this.

Ludwig van Beethoven's Fourth Symphony was characterized by the composer Robert Schumann as "a Greek maiden between two Norse giants". With the third symphony (Eroica), Beethoven had blown all boundaries of what one had previously thought a symphony could be, and the fifth (Symphony of Fate) was to be as wild and beautiful as the third, but between these comes the harmonious Symphony no. .4 which the audience found so well-balanced that it reminded one of Joseph Haydn's symphonies.

We share the stage with conductor Eivind Aadland. He has led the ensemble several times in the past, and among other things conducted the recording of the album Beethoven/Haydn with Christian Ihle Hadland.

The concert's soloist is Johan Dalene. The violinist has garnered great international attention at a young age.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 30 May 2024 - 08:56 hours