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06 October 2024

Film Music Concert with works by Hans Zimmer
Polish Radio Orchestra conducted by Maciej Sztor - MTP Poznań Congress Center

Program Info:
Polish Radio Orchestra
Maciej Sztor – conductor
Anna Lasota – soloist
Magda Miśka-Jackowska – a word about music

During the concert, original orchestral suites by Hans Zimmer will be presented , including: from such cinema hits as: "Gladiator", "Inception", "Interstellar", "Batman Trilogy", "The Keep", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and a song from the film "The Prince of Egypt" . A specially selected original repertoire will allow you to appreciate the stylistic richness and the talent of one of the most outstanding contemporary film music creators.

Hans Zimmer – Fanfare
Hans Zimmer – Gladiator
Hans Zimmer – Incepcja
Hans Zimmer – Batman
Hans Zimmer – Man of Steel
Hans Zimmer – Interstellar
Hans Zimmer – Dune
Hans Zimmer – Sherlock Holmes
Hans Zimmer – Code da Vinci
Hans Zimmer – The Lion King
Hans Zimmer – Crimson Tide
Hans Zimmer – Pearl Harbor
Hans Zimmer – Pirates of the Caribbean.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 29 May 2024 - 08:37 hours