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14 September 2024

Tan Dun: Nine
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra conducted by Tan Dun - Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall

Program Info:
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Tan Dun, conductor
Lu Siqing, violin
MSO Chorus
Warren-Trevelyan-Jones, chorus director

This concert opens with the Overture to Beethoven's only ballet. The energetic score represents Prometheus fleeing from heaven after stealing fire from the Gods.

Tan Dun's Violin Concerto seamlessly blends Eastern and Western musical traditions, here performed by Lu Siqing.

Paired with the famous Ode to Joy from the final movement of Beethoven’s Ninth, Tan Dun conducts the Australian premier of his choral concerto, Nine. This work is Dun’s response to Beethoven, co-commissioned by the MSO and the Philharmonic Society of London – the very group who commissioned Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony two hundred years ago.

Ludwig Van Beethoven - The Creatures of Prometheus: Overture
Tan Dun - Hero Concerto for violin, music from the original soundtrack of Zhang Yimou's film Hero
Tan Dun - Nine, Choral Concerto (Australian premiere of an MSO Co-commission)
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Symphony No.9: Ode to Joy

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 20 May 2024 - 08:19 hours