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23 November 2024
Saint Vith

Movie Symphony
Euro Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Pascal Peiffer - Triangel

Program Info:
Great music and good food, a feast for the senses, while supporting social projects at the same time!

Or to put it another way: combine the pleasant with the useful. Just as Kiwanis St. Vith – Eifel has practiced this again and again since its founding 30 years ago. The proceeds from events that are offered to a wide audience have been and are supported by numerous social projects.

A new super event is planned for Saturday November 23rd. Event title: “Movie Symphony”. Film music is staged and intoned by the Euro Symphonic Orchestra under the direction of conductor Pascal Peiffer. And Pascal Peiffer is celebrating his 30th stage anniversary with his orchestra on November 23rd. Reason enough to properly celebrate the birthdays of the St. Vither Kiwanis Service Club and the Euro Symphonic Orchestra.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 19 May 2024 - 09:47 hours