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18 January 2025
(Montana, USA)

Korngold's Violin Concerto
Bozeman Symphony Orchestra - Willson Auditorium

Program Info:
Holmès is a relatively unknown French composer from the 19th century. Her piece, La Nuit et l’Amour, is a six-minute aural adventure that will leave you wondering why her music isn’t played more. Will Hagen, a regular soloist with major orchestras around the globe, returns to the Bozeman Symphony to delight us with Korngold’s brilliant Violin Concerto. Korngold, an Oscar-winning Hollywood film composer, borrowed several themes from his film scores for each movement of the Violin Concerto, making it one of the most beloved concertos of all time. The concert concludes with Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra, a piece that dazzlingly features the orchestra. This performance will mar the first time that the Bozeman Symphony has performed this work.

Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Violin concert D-Dur, op.35: the concerto has themes from the scores for the movies ANOTHER DAWN (1937), ANTHONY ADVERSE (1936) & THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER (1937)

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Last edited: 16 May 2024 - 08:42 hours