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12 April 2025
København (Copenhagen)

Galaxymphony - The Final Odyssey
DR SymfoniOrkestret conducted by Christian Schumann - DR Koncerthuset, Koncertsalen

Program Info:
The Galaxymphony saga culminates in the ultimate symphonic space journey! The DR Symphony Orchestra breaks the sound barrier and takes you out into the galaxies to a place between reality and fantasy, while Jakob Stegelmann guides you through musical meteor storms from outer space with soundtracks from Star Wars, The Mandalorian, Star Trek, Dune, and many more.
Come with the DR Symphony Orchestra and Jakob Stegelmann on the third and final symphonic journey through musical universes and cinematic galaxies – all the way to the outermost asteroids and back to Earth again.

The concert hall is transformed into the great infinite universe, and you get to float freely between the tones of your favorite space movies – well guided through the tonal meteor storms and impressive sound worlds by the legendary Jakob Stegelmann.

Look forward to experiencing a multitude of galactic tones from space films such as Star Trek, The Mandalorian, Dune, Star Wars and many more - live in the Concert Hall.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 28 August 2024 - 12:39 hours