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11 January 2025

Bundesjugendorchester / Wayne Marshall
Bundesjugendorchester conducted by Wayne Marshall - Elbphilharmonie Großer Saal

Program Info:
Wayne Marshall Conductor/Piano

Together with the German-British Choral Academy conducted by Wayne Marshall, Germany’s top young orchestral players present a programme dedicated to Britten, Holst and Gershwin – »very British«, in other words.

The evening begins with Britten’s classic »The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra«, a piece that continues to playfully familiarise young audiences with the full range of orchestral instruments – and which also skilfully showcases the talent of the National Youth Orchestra of Germany this evening.

Gershwin’s »Rhapsody in Blue« forms the centrepiece, and not altogether surprisingly: Gershwin is a speciality of Wayne Marshall’s. A classic that skilfully combines jazz elements with blues and concertante symphonic music and perhaps the composer’s most famous piece, which celebrated its world premiere in New York’s Aeolian Hall some 100 years ago.
The evening ends with Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite »The Planets«, which is considered with good reason the forerunner of many a film score. The German-British Choir Academy participates as a cosmically enchanting distant choir.

Benjamin Britten - The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, opus 34: composed in 1946 to accompany an educational film produced by the British government and featured in the Oscar-nominated film Moonrise Kingdom
George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue
Gustav Holst - The Planets

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 12 May 2024 - 10:25 hours