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04 May 2025

NAC Orchestra and Ottawa Youth Symphony Orchestra - Southam Hall

Program Info:
Superheroes abound in an afternoon of movie and classical favourites, with a super-sized 120-member orchestra. The NAC Orchestra and Ottawa Youth Symphony Orchestra combine forces, performing music celebrating the men and women who’ve inspired historical and fictional legends, from Rimsky-Korsakov’s  Scheherazade to John Williams’s Superman.  

Come dressed in your favourite superhero costume for an afternoon filled with superhero excitement! 

We hope you will enjoy the giant images on the NACOtron screen as they capture and magnify the magic of these fabulous concerts!

External links:
Details & tickets

This concert-info was provided by Alex P from NYC. Thanks much for that! :)
Last edited: 10 May 2024 - 08:24 hours