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12 September 2024

In Front of Aarhus
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dmitry Matvienko - Musikhuset Aarhus

Program Info:
Igor Stravinsky - Fireworks
Erich Wolfgang Korngold: Violin Concerto, the concerto has themes from the scores for the movies ANOTHER DAWN (1937), ANTHONY ADVERSE (1936) & THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER (1937)
Richard Strauss - Tod und Verklärung

Aarhus has a new boss, and with him comes a change in the entire city's tone. Don't miss the landmark event as we welcome Dima to town.

Party and celebration – and a few of the most breathtaking works in music history: We welcome our new chief conductor in style. Dmitry Matvienko (Dima) will lead the orchestra for the next three seasons – and this concert is his official accession concert. We celebrate that with fireworks – (almost) quite literally: in Stravinsky's bubbling, exuberant firework music, we can hear the rockets' luminous dance across the sky.

Korngold is a master of creating cinematic, image-creating music – and his violin concerto is simply classical music at its most catchy, playful and irresistible. "Korngold's violin concerto is full of love for life, full of joy and expression and bright colors. It's a fantastic concert," says the concert's soloist, the dazzling Alena Baeva.

This season is all about the inexplicable - and nothing is so far beyond our comprehension as death. And yet: Never has it been described so empathetically and vividly (!) as in Strauss' Tod und Verklärung. From metaphysics to musical fireworks: welcome to a new era with Dmitry Matvienko.

After the concert, you can meet Dima and have the opportunity to ask questions to our new chief conductor.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 06 May 2024 - 14:50 hours