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03 May 2025
(Washington, USA)

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - In Concert
Spokane Symphony Orchestra conducted by Morihiko Nakahara - The Fox Theater

Program Info:
John Williams - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

The original Star Wars trilogy comes to a close with Luke, Leia, and Han’s triumph over Imperial forces at the Battle of Endor, and you’ll see the film in high definition on a big screen while your Spokane Symphony plays John Williams’s epic soundtrack live on stage. May the Force be with you!

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is produced under license by Disney Concerts in association with 20th Century Fox and Warner/Chappell Music.

STAR WARS and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. © & TM

External links:
Details & tickets

This concert-info was provided by Alex P from NYC. Thanks much for that! :)
Last edited: 02 May 2024 - 08:28 hours