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03 August 2024
Nürnberg (Nuremberg)

Classik Open Air: All Roads Lead To Hollywood
Nürnberger Symphoniker conducted by Jonathan Darlington - Luitpoldhain

Program Info:
Nürnberger Symphoniker
Jonathan Darlington , conductor
Alexei Gerasimets, drums
Martynas Levickis, accordion

All roads lead to Hollywood - under this motto, the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra will present the entire variety of stirring, romantic and touching music, as reflected in Hollywood's dream factory. Composers such as Erich Wolfgang Korngold, George Gerswhin and James Horner are closely associated with it and can be heard on August 3rd.
Chief conductor Jonathan Darlington: “I’m really looking forward to my second Klassik Open Air in Luitpoldhain with the two great soloists Alexej Gerassimez on drums and Martynas Levickis on accordion.”

Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Sea Hawk, Main Title - Reunion - Finale
John Psathas - Leviathan (drum concert), excerpts
George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue (for accordion and orchestra)
James Horner (Arr. Paul Bateman) - Titanic, My heart will go on
and many more

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 30 April 2024 - 10:35 hours