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21 August 2024

Festival Ljubljana: Symphony Concert
Slovene Youth Orchestra conducted by Živa Ploj Peršuh - Križanke

Program Info:
Slovene Youth Orchestra
Živa Ploj Peršuh, conductor
Lauri Porra, electric bass guitar

Film music is composed, arranged, compiled or improvised music used to accompany films. Initially strongly influenced by Richard Wagner and his use of leitmotifs – recurring musical phrases associated with a particular character, object or situation – it later developed into entirely independent tradition that continues to move listeners throughout the world. Wednesday’s concert at Križanke will give listeners the chance to hear a broad selection of film music and classical and popular excerpts that have featured in some of the most popular animated and live-action films and franchises, along with a composition by Lauri Porra, the great-grandson of composer Jean Sibelius. The programme will be performed by the Slovene Youth Orchestra under versatile conductor Živa Ploj Peršuh, the orchestra’s founder and artistic director. Founded in 2019, the Slovene Youth Orchestra prepares young musicians aged 16–26 for a professional career through a variety of projects. The soloist will be the Finnish bassist and composer Lauri Porra, who has collaborated on more than 50 albums ranging from heavy metal to contemporary classical, electronic, hip-hop and pop.

Scott Bradley, arr. Patrick Morris, Tomaž Kukovič: Tom & Jerry
Pietro Mascagni: Intermezzo from Cavalleria rusticana
John Williams: Theme from Schindler’s List
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker
Jani Golob: Leave Us This World from A Real Pirate
Jani Golob: A Summer in a Sea Shell
Lauri Porra: Entropia – Concerto for Electric Bass Guitar and Symphonic Orchestra
Leonard Bernstein: Mambo from West Side Story
Nino Rota, arr. Marjan Peternel: Selection from The Godfather
Magnifico, arr. Matija Krečič: Pukni zoro
Marjan Kozina, Marjan Vodopivec, arr. Nejc Bečan: Kekec Medley

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Last edited: 30 April 2024 - 08:51 hours