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18 March 2025

Howard Shores Welterfolg: Der Herr der Ringe & Der Hobbit - Das Konzert
Cinema Festival Symphonics - Nikolaisaal

Program Info:
Howard Shore - Der Herr der Ringe & Der Hobbit

Peter Jackson is already celebrating the 20th anniversary of his global film success! The music of hobbits and orcs comes to you in an impressive concert experience with soloists, choir and orchestra.
The journey to Middle-earth

The menacing sounds of Mordor and the sound of the black riders, the beautiful lyrical melodies of the elves - the renowned Cinema Festival Symphonics transform reality into a musical setting of Middle-earth.

Howard Shore composed much of the music for the film trilogies “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” and received the Oscar, Grammys and the Golden Globe for his work. His motifs are elementary when the ring unfolds its power and corrupts the bearer of all power: a parable with great current relevance.

Accompanied by violins, trumpets and timpani, the ensemble, soloists and choir take the audience into the Shire, through the landscape of Rohan and to Mount Doom.

The melodic sounds of flutes and violins are supported in the background by green landscapes and dark scenarios on the screen. Animations specially developed for the production give this symphonic event an additional dimension. Have fun in Middle-earth!

“The last Goodbye” and “Far over the Misty Mountains cold” are performed by powerful vocal soloists who give the well-known songs a personal touch. “The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit – The Concert” is a fantastic evening of a very special kind. Sound, atmospheric, unique!
Impressive light and screen animation

Using state-of-the-art technology, the Cinema Festival Symphonics take Middle-earth fans and fantasy lovers on a musical journey through all “The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit” films. The impressive light and screen animations flow harmoniously with the legendary melodies and enhance the atmosphere of each individual song.

The ensemble celebrates a unique power of sound that allows the viewer to fully immerse themselves in the world of fantasy and provides many goosebumps!

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 12 January 2025 - 03:31 hours