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15 February 2025 München (Munich) (Germany)
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari
Karl Bartos - Theater Akademie August Everding (Prinzregententheater)
Program Info: Robert Wiene's silent film classic from 1920 with new film music composed by ex-Kraftwerk musician Karl Bartos
The silent film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” by Robert Wiene from 1920 is an absolute classic and is considered the first psychological thriller in film history. One person who has dealt particularly intensively with this milestone in the history of expressionist film is the composer and musician Karl Bartos - better known to many as a long-time band member and co-composer of Kraftwerk. Karl Bartos, a classically trained musician, has had a passion for this German silent film for almost 20 years. Now he has created a new, experimentally interpreted sound for the film. This new film music will premiere at the Alte Oper Frankfurt in February 2024. The digitally restored film version in 4K resolution meets Karl Bartos' film music, which he live on stage with his partner Mathias Black . plays and controls
Bartos is guided by the rhythm and tempo of the scenes. The most important means of expression for him was the timeless sound of the symphony orchestra, of course synthetically produced and electronically modulated. We hear melodies in the Bachian tradition of the Baroque era and the early Romanticism of Mozart, we hear the dissonances of Arnold Schönberg, the disturbing metrical playing of Stravinsky and Philip Glass' harsh dramatic repetitions. Outside of the classical tradition, there are the folksy bricolage sounds of the fairground barrel organ, lapel tape effects, and sounds that would fit right in with a classic-era Kraftwerk album.