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18 March 2025 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Der Herr der Ringe & Der Hobbit - Das Konzert
Orchestra - Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt, Kuppelsaal
Program Info: Howard Shore - Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
The film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece THE LORD OF THE RINGS literally lives off the monumental music of Oscar winner Howard Shore. To experience the well-known film music with symphonic orchestra, choir and the Tolkien ensemble in concert is not only a thrilling adventure for Middle-earth fans.
From the threatening sounds of Mordor and the shrill attack of the black riders to the cozy folk songs of the Hobbits from the Shire to the beautiful lyrical melodies of the elves - almost 100 contributors will make the Hamburger Mehr! Transform the theater on the wholesale market into a musical scene of Middle-earth. Howard Shore's film music will provide the very finest of headscapes in a highly emotional and pictorial way, and the audience in J.R.R. Suck in Tolkien's story.
HOWARD SHORE, who composed the music for the film trilogies "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", was awarded three Oscars for this and his leitmotif, as in Richard Wagner's Ring Trilogy, lets the audience feel when It becomes threatening when the Ring unfolds its power and corrupts its wearer, SHORE is one of Hollywood's most successful film composers, and is also responsible for the Gangs of New York, Panic Room, and The Aviator soundtracks.